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Playing at Meadows Croquet Club

(Effective from 19 June 2020 - Revised 10 April 2021)

Playing croquet at the Meadows is not as safe as staying at home, but the following measures mitigate in part the major risks. Each individual is responsible for their own safety and must decide for themselves what risks to take. Be aware that anything at the club might be contaminated with the virus; entry gate, door handles, surfaces, playing equipment, mallets, balls etc, so sanitise your hands regularly.

Observe physical distancing by remaining at all times at least two metres away from anyone who is not a member of your household. Do not enter the club grounds if you are showing coronavirus symptoms or if you are self-isolating.

What is permitted

What is not permitted

Procedure for Playing Croquet

Before travelling to the club:

On arrival at the club:

When you finish play: