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Meadows Croquet Club Child Wellbeing and Protection Policy

We, Meadows Croquet Club (MCC) believe that Good Practice at the Meadows is as follows:

  1. The wellbeing of children and young people is everyone’s responsibility, particularly when it comes to protecting children from abuse. Everyone in croquet – club members, coaches, parent, friend, children themselves, everyone – can help. Children and young people have a lot to gain from croquet. Their natural sense of fun and spontaneity can blossom in positive sporting environments. Croquet provides an excellent opportunity for children to learn new skills, become more confident and maximise their own unique potential. The Club will place the needs of the child first and winning and competition second.
  2. The underlying principles with respect to Child Wellbeing and Protection are that:
    • The child’s wellbeing and protection is the first consideration.
    • All children, regardless of age, any disability they have, sex, racial origin, religious belief and gender identity have a right to be protected from abuse.
    • Children and young people must be treated with integrity and respect.
    • Children and young peoples’ programmes and competitions will be relevant to their ages and stages of development.
  3. We are committed to following the current Scottish Croquet Association’s Child Wellbeing and Protection guidelines. All our volunteers who with work with children are members of Scottish Croquet Association.
  4. The Meadows Croquet Club:
    • Aims to create an enjoyable environment, where young people have the right to be safe, secure and free from threat.
    • Acknowledges that young people have the right to be treated with respect and for their concerns to be listened to and acted upon.
    • Will aim to ensure that junior members have specific programmes designated for them, with adequate supervision.
    • Is committed to ensuring that all helpers, whatever their role, complete a Club Registration Form, sign a Code of Conduct and complete Disclosure Application (if in a childcare / adult at risk role) and a Self Declaration Form in relation to Child wellbeing and protection.
    • Provides clear, comprehensive, easily understood procedures for dealing with: Allegations of abuse; requests for help and support on a confidential basis.
    • Is committed to an equitable recruitment selection policy for coaches.
    • Will always emphasise fair and expeditious play.

Our Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer is

Name:Bruce Bennet
Telephone number:07768 657115

The Meadows Croquet Club (MCC) will:

The MCC Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer will:

Further information:

This policy was approved by the Committee and Board of the Club on 27 April 2021.